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  • info@menopiligrimai.lt

Šiluva Art biennial « Touched Land

In the context of Šiluva, the term „Touched Land” can be understood on several levels: Šiluva is an area of exceptional sacral value, touched by the feet of the Mother of God, tired pilgrims and the Pope. This place is daily passed by local people and preachers. The touched land can be either the heart or he soul of a person who has experienced the power of touch in solitude or togetherness. As well, the touched land can be creation by human, which could bring at least one step closer to the divine reality. The touched land may be the one who may not yet know that it longs for touch…


Art biennial continues the traditions of international art symposiums Signum Sacrum in Šiluva as of 2007. In 2021 Šiluva Art biennial’s programming, emphasis is put on experimental, emerging, and distinctive artistic practices – and on productions of critical and societal relevance. It is a representative, wide-range international event that presents various works of art, authors, art researchers and curators.

The aim

Association’s «Pilgrims of Art» long-term objective is to use arts as a vehicle to strengthen community cohesion, educate, raise awareness and provide a platform for development. Through its creative work it is committed to bringing change into the lives of people of all ages, abilities and cultural backgrounds.

The calendar of biennial (2021 July 13 – October 30):
July 13th Biennial opening
July 12-22th Art symposium
June 13th – October 30th  Exhibitions, presentations, performances, workshops.

Submission guideliness:

  1. Deadline for the submissions will be accepted until March 28, 2021.
  2. We encourage artists from any country and working in all types of media to apply. Both already produced works or original proposals specifically Šiluva art biennial are eligible for consideration. Artists of any nationality and age, evidencing a committed artistic career are welcome to submit their work.
  3. All forms of two-dimensional and three-dimensional work in any medium are welcome. The priority will be given to works that can be exhibited outside: sculpture, objects, installations, video art, sound art, performance, etc.
  4. Applicants may present work both physically in the exhibition space and/or online. We are especially eager to include performative projects, ephemeral installations, durational art pieces, artforms built in site before or during the exhibition, and other artforms that deal with the theme Touched.
  5. Practical note: we will be continually re-evaluating the situation in terms of COVID-19 regulations to examine what kind of public presentations are possible.

    The completed application form:

    1. A CV detailing contact information, recent projects, exhibitions, workshops and residencies.2. A short description (max 500 symbols) of your proposal for Šiluva art biennial.3. 3-5 high-quality images presenting your existing works or sketches for the work you intend you create on site.

    4. Filenames matter! Please label your files as NameSurname_title.jpg.

    5. Applications (in English or Lithuanian) must be submitted to: info@menopiligrimai.lt

    Shortlisted and selected artists will be informed via email by May 15th, 2021.

    While we are working on the funding, the biennial is not currently subsidized by third parties. The participants officially invited by the organizers will be provided with accommodation, catering, facilities and materials for creative work. During the symposium there will be a biennial club formed, which will include concerts, performances, tours to the famous places of Lithuanian historical and religious heritage – Hill of Crosses, monasteries of Tytuvėnai and Palendriai.

    If your question isn’t listed there, feel free to contact us at:

    Project director                  Arūnas Kazlauskas


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